Chief and Council




Long Lake #58 First Nation is governed by a Chief and Twelve Councillors, who are chosen by a community election every two years. Elected in January 26, 2024, the following table, sourced by the Indigenous Service Canada's First Nation Profile shows the current officials for Long Lake #58, their title and appointment date and expiry date.


Title Surname Given Name Appointment Date Expiry Date
Chief DESMOULIN JUDY 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Councillor AGNEW NOREEN 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Deputy Chief FISHER AUDRY 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Councillor FISHER ROMA 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Councillor FISHER MICHEAL 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Councillor FINLAYSON HAILEY 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Councillor KAKEGABON NARCISE 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Councillor LEGARDE ANTHONY 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Councillor MCLAUGHLIN LLOYD 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Councillor PATABON PATRICK 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Councillor SHEBAGABOW PETER 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Councillor TYANCE-BEDWASH SHIRLEY 01/26/2024 01/27/2026
Councillor WESLEY DUANE 01/26/2024 01/27/2026

Council Portfolios

Economic Development Education Governance
Anthony Legarde Peter Shebagabow Narcisse Kakegabon
Michael Fisher Patrick Patabon Lloyd Mclaughlin
Duane Wesley Noreen Agnew Roma Fisher
Shirley Tyance
Audrey Fisher
Hailey Finlayson
Chief Judy Desmoulin – sits in all portfolios